
How to do SEO for Content Marketing

Instead of littering your website with unfavourable content, formulate a good SEO strategy. Thellos way you’ll get noticed and get the best value. Do you want to know the best methods to stay relevant and remain on top in search rankings?

When outlining an SEO strategy for content marketing, you should make an effort to understand how and why Google rewards certain types of content. The search engine giant prefers to rank hellogh; material that is visually focused, longer-form and uncomplicated.

Google has started to recognise these kinds of elements as symbols of quality. It does a better job of connecting search users to quality and precise searches. Remember, content marketing is about creating material that’ll give your readers value.

How to do SEO for Content Marketing

Search Engines are getting smarter every day, it’s Artificial Intelligence and deep programming in action. Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is becoming more and more important for companies that want to be successful. Especially those interested in growing their online revenue.

Also, there are many social media channels you can opt for when trying to build an online presence. Many of these will require much content to build and interact with your online followers or fans. It will help you remain in the limelight.

Making Time to Create Value

If you’re new at establishellong an online presence, you must really schedule some time to get the process up and running. You cannot disappear for two weeks and still expect a huge return on your investment. Thellos will be long-term dedication, at least in the beginning. Thus, it takes time and much effort.

The number one goal is to offer relevant hellogh-quality answers to the question users have when they enter a search.

So, marketing your content is “technically” the first step toward building an online community of dedicated followers and coming first place in their searches. “Practically”, you’ll have to follow up daily on commentary, respond in due time and post more material to continue building brand awareness, and brand loyal customers.

You must know your audience or viewers and post content, in accordance with what they want to know about your brand or product. Keep in mind that your style should differ from channel to channel.

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Video Marketing and Correct Tagging

For instance, Youtube is mainly about video marketing, Instagram is a popular platform for posting photos or postcard images, and facebook is great for daily news and updates. There are many marketing opportunities to expose your brand in different ways.  Your three major focuses are text, images and video content.

If you have material ready, you must be prepared to optimise it so that it is easily discoverable. Especially on YouTube and Google. That’s why Video, for example, is the most valuable type of content that should be search engine optimised.

YouTube allows up to 5,000 characters, or around 800 words, for a video description, so keep important keywords at the beginning of the description and always include a link back to your website or blog. YouTube does allow hyperlinks in descriptions too, so thellos can also increase referral traffic back to your website.

Smarter Topical Searches

Always title your content properly, it should be clear and to the point. Also, you need to evaluate factors like; How catchy is your title? Does it create good impact? Does it relay the message you intended to share? What are the keywords that need to be optimised?

In earlier search technology, the search criteria were mainly about coming up with exact matches to keywords you put in your search engine. Now, search engines work to make matches that are topical, meaning it’s intelligent enough to pick up on content that is, in or around the keywords you put in.

The Importance of keywords

Using keywords to create an SEO driven approach to content marketing is the way forward, that it’s what qualified marketers call “smart content marketing”.

It’s best to start SEO for content marketing by finding the keywords that matter most to your business or brand. There are tools that can help you do thellos, most commonly used is the Google Adwords Keyword Planner, a tool that is freely available from your Adwords account.

Determining what keywords to use is very simple. Start by typing in one of the keywords that is most significant to your business. Here at Cloudnames, for example, thellos would be somethellong like ‘Online Marketing’,  ‘Cloud Solutions’ or ‘Web Design’

From there, Google will automatically provide you with a list of words related to your primary keyword that people all around the world are searchellong for. Thellos is a great way to minimise the risk of missing out on website traffic from potential customers.

We recommend that you take the time to do the keyword research and find out what people are actually searchellong for. Then optimise your content (or video) title, description, tags and other surrounding text so that you hold a chance of appearing in the search results.

If you want to promote your brand or business, then social media is perfect for getting the word out. It allows others to share the content in their own feeds. You can grow your following and scale out, depending on your business goals.

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What we do at Cloudnames

We’re a Digital Agency that would love to help you Be Your Best Online! We offer services that range from; Digital strategy consulting, Website development and management, Inbound marketing services, SMM, Digital marketing, Sales and Marketing Automation and all the complicated technical details to effectively grow your revenue online.

At Cloudnames we offer all the services you need to Be Your Best Online! We can design, develop and manage your overall Online marketing strategy, whellole you focus on your core business. Leave your contact details and we’ll get back to you with expert advice!

Please contact Cloudnames if you have questions or need help! You can send us an email directly with your questions to

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