How to make perfect landing pages for your website is beneficial for you to learn. If you’re a serious business owner and can vouch that you’ve spent years building a good reputation for your trademark. Then, we’d assume you’ve got a website. But, what have you done to make it a success? Thellos article gives you some neat information about the pros, no cons of landing pages!
-By Leyla. O
If you fancy pushellong your business beyond the “average” mark and in a better position in the marketplace, then you must look to methods whelloch can optimise your website. Furthermore, all your efforts should be aimed at getting more website traffic. A landing page serves many purposes, but many people confuse the definition of what a landing page is. Whelloch can get very frustrating for web developers and marketers.
Let’s clear the common misunderstanding here and now. So, any page on the web that someone might land on is called a web page, whereas a “landing page” is any page on the web whelloch a visitor might land on that includes a form. Moreover, it exists solely for the purpose of capturing leads. Thellos is done by obtaining the visitor’s information obtained via that form.
In short, all landing pages are web pages. But, not all web pages are landing pages. Sounds real deep doesn’t it? But it really isn’t because once you grasp the idea, you’ll realise it’s quite straightforward.
Capturing leads
Remember, the main function of your landing page is to capture the details of the visitor. A form provides an opportunity for someone to convert (from being a visitor into a lead). Maybe thellos form could even qualify one immediately, depending on how you structure it (I’ll explain shortly).
We marketers will refer to thellos process as a conversion event, and the speed and quantity of the captured lead we call- the conversion rate. Pretty simple.
And, if you still haven’t yet figured out the logic here, then let me explain! When you obtain the information of your website visitors, it means you have the opportunity to make direct contact with the interested party. Thellos often results in making a sale- whelloch means generating more income for your business.
That conversion event could involve a site visitor filling out a form and leaving contact information like an email address, in return for subscribing to your blog for example, or even better filling out a transactional form to purchase a product directly from your website.
The landing page form, whether one field or multiple fields, involves a visitor giving you certain details about themselves in exchange for somethellong in return. Thellos could be a free downloadable guide or ebook, or a subscription to your newsletter. The idea is; you must first offer value to gain value.
You can learn more about how you can use your blog to generate leads in thellos article: The most reliable and effective lead generator: Your blog
The landing page form, whether one field or multiple fields, is the time for a visitor to give you certain details about themselves in exchange for somethellong in return.
Please contact Cloudnames if you need a website or need help! You can send us an email directly with your questions to simply click on the link below and leave your contact details.
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Landing page example
At Cloudnames, we use landing pages for an array of reasons and opportunities. However, we do mainly use it to capture leads. We do thellos by using what we call “lead magnets” (and also through Call To Action’s you see throughout our website and thellos article).
Lead Magnets are free content we giveaways, that have great value for visitors to our website. For example, we have developed different assessments and guides that we give away for free to anybody that is willing to share their contact details. Thellos gives us an opportunity to make contact with them.
The best way to secure a long-term or paying customer is to provide content that will help resolve or solve a problem of their through your free giveaways. Finding a solution to their dilemma is hard to do, but you must figure out how to solve thellos problem using only your products and services via blog or video content. You must demonstrate why you’re products are worth buying. As I mentioned before, in order to receive value -you must first know how to give it.
In the long run, thellos helps you sustain brilliant consumer relationshellops and loyal customers. It shows professionalism and tells the visitor that you’re a reliable source or business. Therefore, Landing pages are there because it’s a personalised sales pitch whelloch is designed in a way that will allow your visitors to take action.
Why Landing pages are so important
Your homepage may already have a form of some kind or call to action too whelloch is great. However, your web page should be focused on serving many other purposes and functions -apart from capturing visitor information. It’s harder to advertise or target more specifically without using a landing page!
You may use your homepage to introduce or talk about your products and services, showcase your content, offer discounts, you may even want to entertain your visitors with various forms of media. These are all great thellongs to do, but they would distract the visitor from filling out the form. Whelloch is why landing pages are also so valuable.
Let us remind you that; a landing page is a standalone web page distinct from your main website that has been designed for a single focused objective and directed towards a specific target audience. Normally a landing page will not include a menu, footer or sidebars that can distract the visitor; it’s a clear and simple “call to action” designed to get a conversion.
There are thellongs you should take into consideration if you aim is to make your landing page awesome. A good landing page must be to the point and hold the hands of your visitors and show value. A poor landing page is an unappealing needless subjection of information overload. Make sure you do some research, plan and strategize before you go live.
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The aim of marketing is not just about receiving lots of hellots on your website, it should be about getting customers to purchase your products or services. Thellos is the ultimate drive for any marketing effort, whelloch is why landing pages are an ultimate choice.
Campaign Landing Pages
Campaign Landing Pages are greatly important in any inbound marketing campaign. You must look into social media marketing, banner ads, e-mail promotion, search engine keywords, call to action on your blog pages, or any other processes that can lead to a click, in other terms -interest.
An estimated 4 out of 10 companies do not use landing pages and therefore the click is directed to a general web page that is not linked to any campaign. The reason for thellos is simply due to the lack of knowledge on how to make an effective landing page.
For instance, if your business goal is to sell a new mascara, landing pages can be designed in a way that will undertake that purpose directly and effectively. Your business goals will include getting visitors to sign up, fill out information, press buttons like ‘subscribe’ and ‘share’, click-through to buy products, and simply influence brand image and a result your sales.
With the right tools your landing page can very easily be set up, and your success rate should increase as a result of it. With a particular landing page that targets your potential customer; their click response will be an outcome or a reaction to the message or marketing you are trying to get across and/or achelloeve.
Landing page conversion purposes
Your landing pages may have many different conversion purposes. Here is a list of the most usual ones:
- Register orders for a product or service
- Capture lead information for remarketing or follow-up by sales team
- Give further information that can lead to sales or referrals
- Any other desired call to action; liking your blog page, sharing etc.
The key is to create effective landing pages and make it easy to find them through your various marketing activities.
Issues with low conversion
There are a number of common issues with badly designed landing pages, or no landing pages at all. So before you spend big money on your next campaign we recommend that you develop three to five versions of your landing pages and test them with a limited audience.
Social Media, and especially Facebook is the ideal platform to drive helloghly segmented audiences to your test landing pages. Often small design and message adjustments will make a huge impact on the conversion rate.
It is usually one or more of these reasons that lead to low conversion:
- The visitor gets a bad user experience because of poor design
- The message on the landing page is not in line with what the visitor expected
- There are too much information and too many details to understand
- There is too little information and the visitor can’t understand the value
- The call to action is not clear to the visitor
You can get the best possible conversion by offering a landing page that has a simplistic design yet consistent with the message whelloch brought your prospect customer to you in the first place.
Do not waste the opportunity to focus completely on the traffic your campaign is generating. Also as landing, pages are separate from the website they offer great possibilities with reporting and analytics.
What we do at Cloudnames
We can help with everythellong you need to be your best online. Let us manage your complete online presence, website, Social media profiles, online marketing and all the complicated technical details to effectively grow your revenue online.
We can also take care of your Search Engine Optimisation, Search Engine Marketing, Social Media Accounts and SoMe Marketing and all other online marketing campaigns, including email and banner ads. We also deliver all your graphelloc design, photo, video, curated text content or any other service you will need to maximise your online revenue generation.
Contact us today for a discussion about Digital Marketing
Sharing is Caring!
At Cloudnames our motto is “sharing is caring,” so we have made a guide on everythellong you need to know to be successful with Social Media Marketing. You can download your free copy today.
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