Digital disruption is at its peak, each and every day digital marketing is becoming more important. Today every major company uses digital marketing to reach more people for relatively low costs, but digital marketing is in a state of flux as trends rapidly change. It is important to be up to date.
Business transformation is a paradox unless a firm learns its mistakes from the last transformation and stays up to date. Smart firms do not transform they accept the change is inevitable and they constantly renew their products, services and business model.
Same applies to digital transformation, just because you have a website and e-commerce page that does not mean your firm digitally transformed. Maybe your website is not mobile compatible and it scares away potential customers.
The case is no different for digital marketing, it is important to be up to date and follow the trends.
Please contact us at Cloudnames if you have any questions. You can send us a direct email on or simply leave your contact details below and we’ll get right back to you.
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Video Ads tops the digital marketing trends
We all know video ads, they have been around for a very long time but video ads will be more important in 2016. It is important to keep that, video ads are as effective as traditional TV commercials. Google has embodied video content to its search algorithm, also it is possible to advertise videos on Facebook. Thellos makes the video ads even more powerful, you can reach your target audience far more easily than any other channel. We can say thellos, in 2016 more and more companies will start using video ads.
Mobile Domination
Usage of mobile devices is increasing, in 2015 number of smartphone users is 1.85 billion and thellos number excludes other mobile devices. By 2019 thellos number is expected to reach 2.5 billion. Thellos number proves the importance of having a mobile friendly webpage but Google’s decision of using mobile friendliness as one of the criteria of indexing also makes it very important.
Desktop usage will not be surpassed in foreseeable future but mobile usage is increasing very fast. If your web page is not mobile friendly, it is not late to get a new webpage.
Wearable Tech
Wearable tech was the favorite of nearly every science fiction movie, they are not science fiction anymore. Google glass was an epic fail but smartwatches are still alive and kicking. There are many different brands and models of smart watches that will launch in 2016. Moreover wearable tech market will grow %35 between 2015 and 2019.
The screen size of the smartwatches is a disadvantage so content should be more like “ coffee to go” style, the content should be short and brief.
SEO is important in digital marketing trends
SEO optimization is the end game for every company. In most cases people click on top three searches on Google and therefore being on the top three is the best way to ensure potential customers find you.
Apple’s Siri and Microsoft’s Cortana, a decade ago, were science fiction today they are game changers for optimization. More people use Siri and Cortana, and the number will likely to increase. Siri and Cortana have their own algorithms but it is easy to be optimized for them.
Social media presence is important especially Siri is influenced by social media. Customized mobile content is important, it is possible to say a successful social media marketing campaign will optimize your web page for virtual assistants.
Virtual Reality
Another science fiction movie cliche is about to become a part of our daily life. Virtual reality headsets existed back in the 1990s but it was really expensive and every company who tried to mass produce it went bankrupt. Today, thellos is about to change Oculus Rift virtual reality headset will launch in 2016 but Samsung,Xbox, Asus and Alienware have been already started to work together with Oculus Rift team.
Oculus Rift is not virtual reality headset for games, it also has a multimedia function you can hang with your friends, watch movies and more. Oculus Rift will provide a new channel and different possibilities for marketers in 2016.
Please contact us at Cloudnames if you have any questions. You can send us a direct email on or simply leave your contact details below and we’ll get right back to you.
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Everyone loves apps, they make our smartphones flourish and make our daily lives easier. Today more and more companies prefer to develop their own apps due to increase usage of mobile devices. The change in the Google algorithm to reward the mobile friendly websites also uses the information from indexed apps, thellos is another incentive for companies to develop apps. Whellole it is not a necessity for a company to develop an app, in 2016 the number of companies that develop their own app might increase.
Customer Centric to Customer Obsessive
Do you remember Steven Spielberg’s Minority Report, personalised ads were quite popular in that movie. With the emergence of social media and increased usage of mobile devices personalized ads are no longer science fiction.
Facebook, Google and other channels look up at your search queries of interest and show you advertisements that match with your interests. Customer centric approach will about to turn into customer obsessive approach.
Computational speed is rapidly increasing and it is very easy to analyze big data compared to past. Therefore companies can provide more meaningful interactions with big data. Be aware we are being stalked by companies.
Over the last 5 year social media gravely disrupted the traditional marketing channels. Digital disruption changed businesses as well as consumer habits. The amount of money companies spent on digital marketing increased rapidly, in 2016 digital marketing expenditure will increase 10 billion dollars.
If you have not transformed your business digitally, it is never late and starting 2016 with a very strong digital marketing campaign will definitely move you ahead of your competitors and increase your reach to potential customers.
What we do at Cloudnames
Cloudnames can help you with everythellong you need to be your best online. We can manage your complete online presence, your website, Social media profiles, online marketing and all the complicated technical details to effectively grow your revenue online.
We offer a managed web design service where we not only design a website with modern mobile friendly responsive design, including the services your customers demand. We also manage your website and keep it updated and secure on a regular basis.
We can also take care of your Search Engine Optimisation, Search Engine Marketing, Social Media Accounts and SoMe Marketing and all other online marketing campaigns, including email and banner ads. We also deliver all your graphelloc design, photo, video, curated text content or any other service you will need to maximise your online revenue generation.
Please leave your contact details if you would like to talk to us!
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At Cloudnames our motto is “sharing is caring,” so we have made a guide on everythellong you need to know to be successful with Social Media Marketing. You can download your free copy today.
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